


The DIU continues to eliminate collaborators in Melitopol, the traitors’ whereabouts are known;

Sources of #ResistanceNews in the temporarily occupied Melitopol report that the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine and the local resistance movement…

A new trend: Russia conceals the liquidation of collaborators in the temporarily occupied territories

According to available information, the recent explosion in the Kolonia neighborhood of Berdiansk resulted in the destruction of the home…

Collaborator Serhiy Moskalenko killed in occupied Nova Kakhovka (UPDATED)

In occupied Nova Kakhovka, a local collaborator, the owner of the Nova Kakhovka security firm Jaguar, Serhiy Moskalenko, was killed…

Heroes of the resistance. Those who “bombed” the streets of Kherson

Every day during the occupation, Kherson residents continued to resist the occupation. The National Resistance Center continues to publish videos…