Russian special services are investing billions in propaganda advertising in the Ukrainian segment of social networks, including Facebookin which, in Ukrainian, albeit with mistakes, they dispel betrayal and despondency, try to disrupt mobilization and reduce the resistance of Ukrainians. One of the most widespread fakes is the Russian myth about the “genocide” of Ukrainians by the Ukrainian authorities.

The essence of this invented Russian myth is the false claim that the Ukrainian government (which Russians call non-Ukrainian) is “burying” Ukrainians in a “fratricidal” war that Ukraine allegedly “cannot win” because resistance to the Russians is “futile” and “the West has abandoned Ukraine.” However, the burning of Russian equipment in Bucha and near Vuhledar confirms that resistance to the Russians is by no means futile. Alternatively, the Russians are spreading a story that “the Jew Zelensky and American capital” are planning to clear the “world’s most fertile Ukrainian black soil” (in fact, it is not) from Ukrainians and populate this territory with foreigners or migrants. And Ukrainian women, supposedly, after the deaths of their husbands, were supposed to “go to foreigners.”

Varieties of this myth, with numerous additions, are being circulated among Ukrainians by the thousands. After all, the Russian General Staff is tired of burning the corpses of Russians in mobile crematoria and is trying to demotivate a critical number of Ukrainians from defending their country. The apocalyptic scenario of the sick imagination of Russians even finds some support among Ukrainian conspiracy theorists and opponents of mobilization, who are paid or useful (i.e., free) idiots of the Kremlin.

This myth can be disproved with the help of critical thinking and the most obvious facts.

No, the Ukrainian government does not want to exterminate Ukrainians through mobilization. Ukraine did not even involve the healthiest and most motivated part of the mobilization reserve – young people aged 18 to 25 and students – in the general mobilization. Despite all the shortcomings, the Ukrainian government does not want young and psychologically vulnerable Ukrainians who do not even have children to be caught in the crucible of war. If the government wanted a “genocide,” Ukrainian youth would not be protected from the war, but the government is not doing this, despite the difficulties at the front and the lack of personnel in the Armed Forces.

And this is despite the fact that in many countries and in the history of warfare in general, reservists aged 40-50 are considered not very effective soldiers because of their age and health. Of course, war is not without casualties, and not all commanders are able to retain their personnel in offensive or defensive operations, especially when there is a shortage of weapons and ammunition. But the Ukrainian government is definitely not the bloodthirsty Moloch that the sick imagination of the Russian special services portrays.

The democratic and European norms in Ukraine, as well as the freedom-loving nature of the Ukrainian nation, do not allow for any opportunity to drive Ukrainians to slaughter, as Russian commanders do. It is Erefia who can drive her “chmobiks” at gunpoint into meaty assaults and put 10 thousand people down. corpses for the capture of the small village of Soledar. Moreover, the fakes about the “genocide” of their people and the mass deaths of Ukrainians at the front are not just fictitious, but taken from the realities of the Russian army. In other words, the Russians are falsely accusing us not just of fictitious crimes, but of their own crimes.

If any government commits genocide against its people, it is the Russian government that exterminates Russians in senseless wars. Perhaps in order to get rid of this not-so-careful and alcohol-dependent people and give the lands of Erephia to the Chinese (concerned emoticon).

It is important for Ukrainians to realize the motivation of the Russian IPSOs, which are aimed only at reducing the number of armed Ukrainians on the frontline so that more unarmed Ukrainians can be shot at Bykivnia and Sandarmokh.

Author: Valeriy Maydanyuk

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