
Майданюк Валерій

62 Articles

The price of war: how many schools and hospitals did Russia lose while attacking Ukraine?

Erefia's senseless war against Ukraine is costing the Russians themselves, who are being condemned to poverty by Putin's regime. As…

5 Min Read

Risks of information influence of “good Russians”

Many Ukrainians listen to the opinions of seemingly oppositional and even "independent" Russian experts and bloggers who authoritatively comment on…

4 Min Read

Russia is “at war” with NATO: deconstructing the lie

One of the main theses of Russian propaganda is to emphasize that the Russian army in Ukraine is "at war"…

3 Min Read

Russian manipulations around American aid

After the long-awaited tranche of US military and financial aid to Ukraine, the Kremlin has intensified a wave of disinformation…

5 Min Read

Russia has acquired all the features of a fascist state

The ruling elite of Erefia accuses Ukrainians of fascism, although in fact Russia itself has long been a state with…

7 Min Read

“Destabilization” with a taste of separatism

At the beginning of 2022, Ukrainian state and national unity became one of the Kremlin's most important goals, and without…

9 Min Read

Why are there no mobilization scandals in Russia?

An interesting question that is not often asked in Ukraine is why there are so few mobilization scandals from Erephia…

3 Min Read

“Nobody needs us”: analyzing Russian fake news

Many Russian fakes labeled as "advertising" have been launched in the Ukrainian segment of social media, trying to demotivate Ukrainians…

6 Min Read

The psychology of winners and the groaning of offended slaves

Ukraine has begun to gradually lose the information war on its own territory, and instead of the fighting spirit and…

5 Min Read

Does the government want to “exterminate Ukrainians?”: analyzing Russian fake news

Russian special services are investing billions in propaganda advertising in the Ukrainian segment of social networks, including Facebookin which, in…

5 Min Read

The main tactical task of the Kremlin

The lion's share of mobilization scandals in Ukraine have been blown out of proportion by Russian special services, and disrupting…

5 Min Read

A “bear favor” for the Russian opposition

In the deliberately rigged presidential election in Erefia, the Russian opposition decided to "protest" against Putin's regime in a dubious…

4 Min Read