
Schizophrenia is progressing: the war for peace

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“Denazification,” “desatanization” or demilitarization of a peaceful country in the center of Europe are no longer mentioned by Kremlin propagandists, instead, the new main goal of the Russian war of aggression is… peace.

In his recent address, the Russian dictator announced that the new goal of the so-called “JFO” is “to stop the full-scale hostilities that have been going on in Donbas since 2014.” “Everything we are doing today, including the JMO, is an attempt to end this war,” the Kremlin tyrant said.

The bloody dictator’s cynical statements came amid the tragedy in Dnipro, where a Russian missile hit a residential high-rise. At a time when the whole world was sympathizing with the victims of the tragedy, the Russian dictator did not hesitate to say that he had killed fifty civilians, including babies, for the sake of… “peace”.

The propaganda effect of such absurd statements is aimed primarily at the domestic audience, which is less and less aware of why so many mobilized Russians are dying. And even less willing to participate personally in Putin’s military adventure. So, in addition to imperial rhetoric based on the fascist effect of force, power, geopolitical influence, and historical claims to all the past possessions of the Russian Empire and the USSR, the Kremlin has begun to appeal more strongly to the “justice” of this shameful war.

Justifying lies are also needed for the personnel of law enforcement agencies and the army, who would be much more comfortable explaining the noble and defensive goals of the war than the aggressive ones. It is psychologically easier for murderers to consider their victims “criminals” and their aggression “defense” than to admit to themselves that they are animals. To do this, they use false propaganda about the “8 years” during which Donbas was allegedly bombed, hiding the fact that the war in Donbas was started by Moscow.

At the same time, this message is being accelerated for further dissemination among the Kremlin’s paid friends abroad, especially in developing countries, who are massively spreading the idea in the media and social networks that by destroying residential buildings and killing civilians, Russia is supposedly “defending itself against American imperialism and NATO expansion.”

However, Kremlin propagandists do not explain to their brainwashed viewers why it was necessary to capture Kherson, reduce half a million people in Mariupol to rubble, and rush to Kyiv for such a “peacekeeping goal” as ending the war in Donbas. At least one of the Russian military officers responsible for launching a missile at a residential building and a terrorist attack in Dnipro, in a telephone conversation with journalists, wondered why “Ukraine is shelling new Russian territory and does not want peace.”

The history of dictatorial regimes and cruel tyrants shows that the more absurd their actions and words are, the closer they feel their demise.

Author: Valeriy Maydanyuk

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