Russian propaganda is a cult of lies that is built on emotions and does not like facts. The Center for National Resistance analyzed the main theses of the enemy’s lies for the week.

For years, the Kremlin has been creating the myth of a domestic war, which has grown into the main idea of the existence of the Russian Federation. Moscow is selling a “holy war” to its own people to achieve its own goals.

It is precisely to foment war that the Kremlin needs an army of propagandists to spread lies to the world, proving to the average Russian that the war was necessary. The propaganda itself is built on emotions, with facts taking a secondary place.

Russian propaganda has formulated the main dogmas:

  • The USSR defeated fascism and Nazism, and thus saved the world
  • Russia is the successor to the USSR
  • Russia, as the successor of the victorious country, is a God’s chosen nation
  • Everyone who was in the USSR should love Russia, the Russian language, miss the times of the USSR, and be together with Russia forever because they are bound by a common victory over Nazism
  • Whoever does not love is a Nazi, evil and so on
  • All those who chose not Russia but, for example, the EU, were influenced by the collective event
  • Russia’s historical role is to defeat this event, and to knock these stupid ideas about the EU and NATO out of the minds of younger fraternal peoples
  • All methods are good for driving out evil, because the goodness of the Russian Federation is not questioned. They are “God’s chosen ones,” forgive me.

In such a paradigm, facts have no place, only emotions that form the basis of such judgments. Therefore, in the world of the Kremlin’s lies, it was Ukraine that “attacked” Russia, because it denied Russia’s right to expand its territories. Therefore, there is a “world war” now, because the world has supported Ukraine, instead of being grateful to Moscow.

Currently, propaganda has turned the “special military operation” into a “defensive war,” where Ukraine has already attacked Russia and has to defend itself. Collaborators and others do not talk about a full-scale invasion, because Russia has allegedly always been here until Ukraine attacked.

Ukraine attacked Russia

For example, this week was the anniversary of the death of Russian terrorist Arsen Pavlov (“Motorola”). The collaborators honestly wrote that if it were not for him, this war would not have happened.

But in their interpretation, the Russian went to Donbas for some reason, because they simply wanted to destroy the latter region. Although in fact, it was Russians like Pavlov who led the Russian collaborator formations that sparked the war in 2014, which became a prerequisite for Russia’s subsequent invasion in 2022. During which Russia wiped out Mariupol, Volnovakha, Lysychansk, Sievierodonetsk, and is now continuing to destroy Bakhmut.

Speaking of destroyed cities. The collaborators promise to pay compensation to residents who lost their homes because of “Ukraine’s crimes.”

For example, the list includes Volnovakha district and Mariupol, which the Russians have destroyed since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. The reference to Mariupol, which was under siege and the Russians carried out so-called “carpet bombing” in the city, is particularly cynical.

However, Russians generally avoid the topic of the blockade of Mariupol. For example, Kherson collaborators talk about the signs in Kakhovka, as during the “blockade of Leningrad.”

The main thing is not even that the Russians have “forgotten” the blockade of Mariupol. And the fact that “no one thought it would happen again.” The residents of Nova Kakhovka were also confident that they would not have thought of such signs before February 24, because they did not have them before the Russian invasion.

In general, Russians appeal to emotions, calling Ukrainians “fascists,” “junta,” and other negative words. Here is a Russian deputy in the Kherson region talking about the “Kyiv regime” that came after the coup in 2014 and is killing civilians in the region.

But for some reason, the “regime” in Kyiv changed back in 2019, while in Moscow, the “non-regime” has been ruling the country for 20 years. The “Kyiv regime” is elected in elections under the supervision of observers from around the world, while the “non-regime” holds puppet elections and “referendums” at gunpoint.

And most importantly, why did the “regime” start killing civilians in Kherson region only after the full-scale invasion of Russia, even though it had the opportunity to do so for 8 years? The visiting touring artist did not answer these questions.

And finally, in this section. Russian gauleiters agree that nighttime bombing and drone attacks to destroy civilian infrastructure are Nazi and terrorist tactics.

But for some reason, they use as an example the attack on the occupation administration in Enerhodar, which is a legitimate military object, and also show some unknown drone in Melitopol.

World War II

At the same time, Russian propaganda is trying to convince its victims that in Ukraine, the Russian army is losing not to the Ukrainian army, but to the whole world. The only problem is that the Russians have difficulty with evidence, because the supply of weapons to a UN-recognized protected country is not prohibited.

Graves of “mercenaries” allegedly found in the Luhansk region are shown as evidence of the involvement of “Western states”.

The occupiers focus on the quality of the graves, and these are the people who do not bury their grieving soldiers at all and do not recognize their deaths. We will not even comment on the fact that their “names” are written in Russian. But the question of why the “Poles were burned” remains open. However, it should be noted that the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not yet reported any missing citizens of this country on the territory of Ukraine.


While propaganda talks about a war with the whole world and the Nazis, reality dictates different conditions for the Kremlin, including the unenviable position of the aggressor’s army in the south. This situation demonstrates very well the role of collaborators in the process of “governing” the territories.

Initially, the chief governor of the occupied regions of Zaporizhzhia region, Yevhen Balytsky, and the “talking head” of Kherson region, Kyrylo Stremusov, said that there would be no evacuation and that the Ukrainian army’s offensive was a “fake of Ukrainian propaganda.”

However, on October 19, the Russians announced the evacuation, and the Ukrainian army’s counteroffensive was no longer “bullshit” and “fake.” Why? Because these characters do not make any decisions, but only read out the Kremlin’s blackbooks.

Meanwhile, on the night of October 21, Ukrainian troops attacked the remains of a bridge across the Dnipro in Kherson. Immediately, FSB officer Sergei Eliseev, who is the head of the “government of the Kherson region,” spoke about a “civilian crossing” that was opened at night for some reason due to a “large influx.”

In particular, they reported about the dead, but they did not show us the broken column of civilians. It is known that Oleg Klokov, whom the Russians call a journalist who came to help the local Tavria TV channel, was killed.

Klokov did work as a journalist for Russia Today and other federal channels. But at the same time, Klokov served in the Russian army and was traveling with a column of occupation troops during the attack. He arrived at the TV channel on a “business trip” to set up another propaganda center on the basis of the Russian-seized Suspilne.Kherson TV channel, whose journalists refused to cooperate with the occupiers.


But not by war alone. The Kremlin is trying to convince the Russians themselves that they are living better with the occupation and the “liberation of the territory.” For example, in the Kherson region, locals are fed Putin’s promises.

In 10 years, the leader of the occupiers promised to build thousands of kilometers of roads. Well, first of all, for such a country, this is a small number for 10 years. Second, promises are good because they don’t have to be fulfilled if you are a leader in a totalitarian country.

But in Zaporizhzhia, they are proud of the “real results”.

For example, 17 km of asphalt was cut on the Melitopol-Dzhankoy highway. At the same time, they promise to repair 120 km of the road with medium repairs (i.e., not major repairs, but simply replace the top layer of asphalt). They also emphasize that the roads in the region have not been repaired for a decade.

It is quite strange, because the current governor of the occupied regions, Balytsky, was a majoritarian in the Verkhovna Rada and could have received a subvention for road repairs. But in fact, he is simply lying, because in 2021 alone, 280 km of roads were repaired in Zaporizhzhia region, which is more than twice as much as the occupiers promised.

Meanwhile, in Melitopol, the local authorities are proud to have started painting pedestrian crossings yellow, which is a “high” Russian standard for road markings that increase pedestrian safety.

While in Ukraine everything is moving towards European rules for the improvement of crossings, which provide for the creation of “safety islands” and raising the level of the crossings themselves to make them inclusive, in Russia they paint them yellow.


Russians also actively exploit children in their propaganda, as they evoke the emotion of joy. For example, in Melitopol, children were given exhibitions of candy wrappers.

Of course, we are talking about images of Alenka and other classic Russian sweets.

Russians also post photos of happy children who are taken to children’s camps in Russia.

The fact that any child would be happy to leave the war zone during the war, as well as the fact that the war was started by the Russian Federation, is not mentioned. The use of the image of a happy child is meant to show Russia in a positive light.

If the children left for free Ukraine, Russian propaganda creates the image of “future Nazis” who were forced into “Nazi camps.”

In Ukraine, there is indeed such a game, but it is not compulsory at all, and it does not have the scope of a similar Russian “unarmy.” We also note that propagandists claim that Ukraine bombed a school in Komyshuvas during the retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In other words, it was not the Russians who destroyed the Ukrainian school during the storming of the settlement, but the Ukrainian army blew up their school for no reason.

Source: Center for National Resistance

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