
United front

United front

How to become a fighter on the information front and help the state in the war? (Part One)

On February 24, many Ukrainians stood in line at the military registration and enlistment office to get weapons to defend…

Why is it better in the countryside? – basic tips if you decide to survive the lack of electricity in the countryside

Recently, the mayor of Kyiv asked residents to leave the city if possible. Journalists, prone to loud headlines, presented this…

Should we look for those responsible for the lack of electricity supply during the war? – expert opinion (VIDEO)

Recently, discussions of power outages have become widespread on social media, focusing on the injustice, lack of a clear schedule…

Myths, disinformation, Russian propaganda and fakes about the Ukrainian army;

Lies and propaganda have become the leading tool for implementing Russia's plans to take over Ukraine. And its intensity and…

How to communicate with those who have returned from the front. Some important tips

When I talked to Oksana (all names changed), the wife of a terrorist defense fighter, she told me that he…

Ukraine is a single country. Refuting Russian myths about Ukrainian unity

One of the main targets of Russian propaganda is Ukrainian national unity, which the Kremlin is trying to level, undermine,…

Saving electricity: TOP five household appliances to turn off at night

After Russia's missile strikes on Ukrainian thermal power plants, the country may experience power outages. The authorities ask Ukrainians to…

What to pack in your anxiety suitcase

Experts of dovidka.info told what should be in an emergency suitcase. This was reported by the ZN.UA. What things to…