
Information security

Information security

The Center and the SBU Cyber Department discovered a network of tools for spreading hostile disinformation on TikTok.

The Center and the SBU Cyber Department discovered a network of tools for spreading hostile disinformation on TikTok. Currently, the…

Denmark bans schools from sending student data through Google services

The Danish privacy regulator Datatilsysnet has ruled that Danish cities need significantly more privacy guarantees to use Google services that…

A vulnerability has been discovered in phones based on Exynos chips manufactured by Samsung – it is recommended to disable Wi-Fi calls

The Project Zero team of security analysts working at Google, has published a report that a critical vulnerability has been…

How to deal with suspicious links and files – tips from the State Service of Special Communications of Ukraine

The easiest way to spread malware or direct a user to a website that steals personal data is to send…