
Russian lies under the guise of “doves of peace”

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In the Ukrainian segment of social media, the number of Russian subversive information injections disguised as patriotic and peaceful rhetoric has increased. Their task is the same as in early 2022: to force Ukrainians to surrender by destabilizing our defense.

Specially created publics on Facebook and other platforms, decorated with blue and yellow symbols, are in Ukrainian and filled with seemingly pro-Ukrainian content. However, the main messages of these pseudo-patriotic publics are only beneficial to the Kremlin.

One of thousands of them is a small public account called “Mriya”, created on May 4 this year, filled with embroidered shirts and blue and yellow doves, which circulates posts about the “illegitimacy of the Ukrainian president”, demands to immediately start peace talks with the occupier and stop mobilization. It also quotes the odious political scientist Kostyantyn Bondarenko, whom the analytical platform “Texty” recognized as pro-Russian and states his skeptical narratives about Ukraine and sympathy for the former “regionals”. In particular, this political scientist, for some reason, comments on the fiction that the people who drowned in the Tisza River were killed by Ukrainian border guards, although he cannot be competent in this area.

Publics of this kind are created according to all the canons of hostile propaganda – more than 60% of the information concerns plausible and painful issues for Ukrainians. In particular, corruption in the government, illegal actions of the TCC, etc. Speculation on these painful issues is perceived by many Ukrainians as truth. The enemy knows this and is not averse to scaling them up.

However, the theme of illegitimacy is thrown in among them, and in fact, the destruction of the vertical of state power, which will lead to chaos in the country and the termination of foreign military and financial assistance. There are calls to “end the war,” which in reality means only Ukrainian surrender. In a pseudo-weeping impulse, such publics call for “peace that will save the lives of Ukrainians,” but they do not say what can be negotiated with Russian war criminals and prisoners who have come to kill, rape and rob Ukrainians?

A sober look at the situation shows that Ukraine cannot ask for peace now, until we have gained a stronger position on the frontline, so that Erefia is forced to withdraw its troops from the occupied territories. Our country must continue to resist, otherwise, after a “peaceful surrender,” the Kremlin will turn Ukraine into its colony. And those who are now “tired of vain” and consider the TCC a greater enemy than Erefia will be dragged out of their homes by force and thrown as cannon fodder to conquer the Baltic States.

Those who give instructions to spread pacifism in sheep’s clothing in Ukraine are in fact the same people who gave orders to shoot men in Bucha, destroy Mariupol, and torture Ukrainians in the “cellar of death” in Yahidne, Chernihiv region.

For three years now, Moscow has been unable to overcome Ukrainians by force, so it is increasing its reliance on “useful idiots” in Ukraine to help Putin force Ukraine to surrender. Putin from the east with tanks and missiles, and the deceived Ukrainians with cries for an immediate ceasefire, pacifism, and the shortcomings of the Ukrainian state.

This plan, organized by Moscow, worked once before in 1917-1921, and the Kremlin dealt with the remaining Ukrainians with three famines and Siberian concentration camps. In the twenty-first century, Moscow wants to repeat this and is looking for idiots in Ukraine for whom their own state will be worse than the Russian occupation.

Author: Valeriy Maydanyuk

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