Recently, fake photos with captions such as “Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers ask for prayers…” created by artificial intelligence have been circulating on Ukrainian social media. Such artificial images often evoke an emotional reaction among Ukrainians, who do not hesitate to share them, increasing their reach and becoming a target for Russian manipulation.

So how do you recognize such fakes?

There are several key signs to look for:

  1. Anatomical discrepancies: This is one of the most obvious signs. AI-generated faces may look attractive, but they are often of the same type. However, the body image often contains errors: extra or missing limbs or fingers, unnaturally long neck, etc. For example, the hair of a female soldier may look like she has just visited a beauty salon, which is atypical for field conditions.
  2. Errors in symbolism: AI often incorrectly reproduces Ukrainian symbols such as chevrons and images of the flag or coat of arms. For example, the colors of the flag may be mixed up (blue on top, yellow on the bottom) or some elements of the coat of arms or other symbols may be missing.
  3. Camouflage mismatch: So far, artificial intelligence, including Midjourney, is not able to accurately generate Ukrainian pixel camouflage. The image may contain some areas that vaguely resemble it, but completely different patterns may be depicted next to it.
  4. Unnatural small details: It is worth paying attention to details that may look strange or illogical. For example, in one image, the cross had uncharacteristic elements, and the figure of Jesus Christ resembled a ballerina. The weapon may be pointed in a direction that is dangerous for the bearer, which is impossible in a real situation.

It is important to understand that AI can create very realistic fake images that can be used for disinformation and ISIL. Neural network technologies are developing rapidly, so the quality of such images is constantly improving. So, we need to develop critical thinking and analytical skills to effectively counter this threat.

Автор: Майданюк Валерій

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