Pavel Durov has announced the launch of a new feature on Telegram – hashtags. When users click on a hashtag, they will be able to see all the messages from public channels where this hashtag was used. The feature is scheduled to be launched this month.

What does this mean?

Hashtags on Telegram allow users to easily find related messages and content. For example, if you write a post and tag it with #target, other users can click on this hashtag and find all related content on the topic.

Opportunities and challenges

  • Ease of search: Hashtags make it easier to navigate and find content on topics of interest. This can be useful for both authors and users looking for specific information.
  • Traffic for authors: Introducing hashtags can increase traffic to the channels of big authors, which will encourage them to use hashtags more actively.
  • Impact on navigation: Internal channel navigation may change as hashtags create new opportunities to structure content.
  • Chronological or algorithmic order: The question remains whether hashtag posts will be displayed in chronological or algorithmic order.
  • Fight against spam: There is a risk of an increase in the amount of spam. Telegram already has experience in dealing with spam, so we can expect that certain mechanisms will be implemented to control the quality of content.

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