
Why is helping Ukraine not charity?

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Many Ukrainians abroad are faced with the question: why is it important to provide military assistance to Ukraine? Erefia and forces opposed to local governments are actively speculating on taxpayers’ money that goes to Ukraine, even though they themselves have spent thousands of times more on futile wars in Asian deserts. So there is a need for a simple and brief explanation: why is helping Ukraine not charity?

To put it metaphorically, if a maniac appears on your street and attacks a person in a park, it is not only that person’s problem, and helping him or her is not just a noble gesture that will add to your reputation. If in Europe one aggressive country attacks another under false pretenses, which it disguises with historical claims, this is not only a problem for Ukraine. Therefore, Westernmilitary assistance to Ukraine is not some kind of charity, but an investment in European security. After all, if Ukraine loses the war or is frozen, the next victim will be one of the Eastern European countries – the Baltic states, Moldova, Poland or Finland. The Putin regime needs war for two reasons.

First, by winning, dictators have always diverted attention from economic problems and instead given the people a sense of euphoria and unity, and blamed the troubles on their enemies.

Secondly, an aggressor who has started a war against one country cannot stop without forcefully resolving problems with other countries. It is no coincidence that Hitler attacked most European countries one after another. Likewise, Mao Zedong, Saddam Hussein, and other dictators always launched aggression against several neighbors. For Putin, Ukraine has become the fourth military victim after Chechnya, Georgia, and Syria, and it is naive to hope that there will not be a fifth for some reason.

Ukraine’s military assistance is a contribution to the victory of democracy over authoritarianism to prevent World War III. A hypothetical triumph of the Russian aggressor would send a signal to authoritarian regimes around the world that they can seize other people’s property with impunity. China, sensing the weakness of the West, will attack Taiwan, and the United States will either have to fight or abandon its ally with whom it has signed a defense agreement. North Korea will attack South Korea, Venezuela will attack Guyana – all those who have been restrained by the world order established by civilized countries will begin to realize imperial ambitions. If the Western allies allow Ukraine’s defeat, the world will have several dozen more nuclear powers. A small amount from the budget of Western countries to help Ukraine today means peace and tranquility for their citizens tomorrow.

Chinese researchers claim that Xi Jinping is already calculating the cost of invading Taiwan. If the Kremlin succeeds, the Texas taxpayers who shout “not a cent to Ukraine!” will be mobilized tomorrow for a war against billion-dollar China. Japan, India, and Australia may also be drawn into the war – millions of tomorrow’s victims, because of today’s short-sightedness and unmotivated greed. And Ukraine’s victory will be a warning signal to China, which will be forced to postpone its invasion of Taiwan for a long time.

Today’s assistance to Ukraine is not a handout, but a signal to geopolitical maniacs that the international community will not remain silent but will defend peace and security in the world. And the Kremlin will forever forget about the military campaign to the west and NATO’s borders in 1997.

Author: Valeriy Maydanyuk

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