After the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Andriy Yusov, said that Telegram posed a number of threats to Ukraine, the media published a comment by the platform’s “representative” Remy Wong about the security of the messenger. However, there are no other mentions or photos of this person on the Internet, which led journalists to question his existence at all.
This was reported by the research and analytical group InfoLight.UA. For example, on February 17, in the article “Who are you, Mr. / Comrade Remi Vaughn?” experts raised the question of the reality of the existence of a person who calls himself Remi Vaughn and makes statements on behalf of the Telegram messenger.
The portal was interested in why there is no publicly available photo or mention of the physical presence of a person with this name at any public event on behalf of Telegram. At the same time, it sends relevant letters to the media and comments on events, including in Ukraine.
Telegram’s press service could not confirm the identity of the alleged spokesperson. The journalists received a response from Remy Wong, who explained that Telegram is represented only by its founder Pavel Durov.

As a reminder, the Defense Intelligence Agency of Ukraine said that the popular Telegram messenger poses a number of threats to Ukraine’s security. Now we need to find ways to solve this problem.
Source: OBOZ.UA
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