
The book “Christian Democracy. Solutions for Ukraine and Europe” and the educational initiative InfoLight.UA are presented in Lviv;

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10 листопада о 15:00 в Львівському обласному молодіжному центрі відбудеться презентація книги «Християнська демократія. Рішення для України та Європи». Книгу авторства громадського активіста Юрія Міндюка, журналіста Костянтина Канішева та політолога Валерія Майданюка видано зусиллями ГО Фонд сприяння демократії.

There will also be a presentation of the InfoLight.UA educational initiative implemented by the NGO Foundation for Promotion of Democracy with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Ukraine. The initiative includes online trainings on information hygiene and security, fact-checking, and countering disinformation.


  • Valeriy Maidaniuk, PhD in Political Science, co-author of the book “Christian Democracy. Solutions for Ukraine and Europe”.
  • Valentyn Balahura, political scientist, public activist, NGO “Great State“.
  • Юрій Гончаренко, експерт з питань інформаційної безпеки, віцепрезидент ГО Фонд сприяння демократії, просвітницька ініціатива InfoLight.UA
  • Maksym Koliba, PhD, Deputy Director of the International Institute of Ethics and Contemporary Issues of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Senior Lecturer at the School of Law of the Ukrainian Catholic University.

Address: m. Lviv, ul. 12, 2nd floor, Vinnichenko St.

Book review:

Christian democracy became an ideology of reconciliation and integration for European countries after World War II. Christian Democratic leaders Konrad Adenauer, Robert Schuman, and Alcide de Gasperi not only laid the foundations for the economic prosperity of Germany, France, and Italy, but also became the founding fathers of the European Union. The universal values of Christian democracy raised post-war Europe from the ruins and became the foundation of a welfare state based on freedom, solidarity, and responsibility.

This book tells the stories of Christian democratic examples of successes, successful and unsuccessful struggles to build a society of welfare, justice, and values.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers, politicians, political scientists, journalists, civic and religious activists, students, Christians, and anyone interested in the principles of building successful and socially oriented states.

About the InfoLight.UA:

The low level of information literacy of Ukrainian citizens, especially after the start of Russia’s full-scale aggression, is strikingly visible and has a negative impact. In particular, this is the reason why fakes, disinformation, and propaganda are widely spread. The state does not always have enough resources to counter this and needs partnerships with civil society organizations and volunteers.

The situation with information work in the temporarily occupied territories is very difficult, where Ukrainian citizens do not have access to objective sources of information and are in a state of constant stress and despondency. Similarly, due to the lack of knowledge about secure means of communication, there is no information about the course of events in these territories, which means that Ukrainian society and the international community do not receive objective information and are often influenced by disinformation and manipulation.

Martial law, the need to involve the entire society in the defense of the country, creates conditions for distrust and even certain conflicts in the interaction between society and the army. Due to a lack of time and resources, government agencies do not always respond to these situations in a timely manner, which gives room for manipulation and influence by special information operations of the Russian special services.

In view of the above, the InfoLight.UA project implements training programs to improve media literacy and combat fake news and propaganda.

A special emphasis is placed on creating an information product for Ukrainians in the occupied territories and on cooperation between civil society and the army. The implementation of these programs is aimed, among other things, at the interaction between society and the army.

The project is implemented by the Democracy Promotion Foundation(Ukraine) with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Ukraine (Germany).

Source: Novyny.org

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