Today, on July 13, a number of Ukrainian media outlets spread news with the headlines “Budanov is convinced, that the Russians will attack again from the north” or similar. At the same time , these news reports referred to a real interview with the head of the ofthe Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which he gave to NV magazine, but in early June.
Publishing this information without this important clarification creates a distorted perception of this information, as if the Russian offensive is about to begin right now. It isalso worth noting that the commentary says literally that the Russian offensive in the north “will happen, it is already underway.”
Today, the situation has changed somewhat thanks to the successful actions of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, that have disrupted the enemy’s plans for a rapid advance in the Kharkiv region.
Clickbait headlines about a new Russian offensive in northern Ukraine, referring to Budanov ‘s interview with NV magazine, do not correspond to the current situation. At the time of the interview, the Russian army had been conducting active hostilities in the Kharkiv region for about a month, and was trying to break through in the Sumy region. As of today, there has been no evidence of Russian groups’ activation in the Sumy region.
Any intelligence information is relevant for a certain period of time. Disseminating it as relevant after a sufficiently long time is information manipulation.
According to the latest data, the information that there is no threat of an offensive from Belarus is relevant. This was announced today by the representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Andriy Yusov. Our sources in the Defense Forces also confirm that there are currently no new threats from the north. Everything is going on as usual .
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