On January 22, Telegram channels and Russian websites began to spread reports that a 70-year-old resident of the village of Dubovka, Kharkiv region, was allegedly “detained in hot pursuit for the murder of a TCC employee who allegedly sent the detainee’s son, who had asthma, to the front.”

In fact, it is an arbitrary fantasy around the real news that a man who killed a friend and dumped his body on a railroad track was detained.

Even the photo was used from the original message, sometimes with the logo of the prosecutor’s office, which did not prevent them from trying to spread this blatant manipulation.

monitoring the spread of disinformation

We warn you once again: there is more and more disinformation around the topic of mobilization. Do not trust the so-called “anti-mobilization chats” and hostile resources. They often distort real events in their favor.

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