On the evening of September 17, local Telegram channels reported powerful explosions in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol. Several explosions were reported in the city center and on Cape Fiolent, where the 26th Marine Radio Detachment is based. There is also a radio engineering station with twelve radar antennas.

Babel’s sources say that the explosions in Sevastopol are a joint special operation of the Main Intelligence Directorate and the Navy.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that Russian air defense allegedly destroyed two drones over the southwestern part of Crimea. There have also been attempts to deny the incident, but as of 21:00, the city center smells like a fire and the occupation authorities have not yet come up with an explanation for this.

At 19:26, the operational channel of the Road Information Center on the situation on the road approaches to the Crimean Bridge reported in Telegram that the traffic on the bridge was temporarily blocked.

At 20:20, the network reported that after the explosion, a fire was seen in the area of Cape Fiolent. After that, locals continued to hear loud explosions, and ambulances with sirens on drove toward Fiolent.

The strike could have been carried out in the area of St. George’s Monastery, where the 475th Separate Center for Electronic Warfare of the Russian Federation is stationed, OSINTtechnical writes.

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