The Security Service of Ukraine, together with other law enforcement agencies, conducted a series of large-scale measures to counter crimes that threaten the state security, territorial integrity and defense capability of Ukraine. Between January 18 and 20, comprehensive actions were taken in 157 criminal proceedings.

Results of operations:

  • 222 people received notices of suspicion.
  • 85 people were detained.

Main areas of work:

  1. Enemy agents:
    • The SBU served notices of suspicion to 19 people who were engaged in intelligence and sabotage activities in favor of the Russian special services.
  2. Crimes in the military sphere:
    • The suspicion was served on 39 people, including those involved in the embezzlement of the defense budget.
  3. “Evasion schemes” and illegal border crossing:
    • 63 people were notified of suspicion, including employees of the TCC, medical commissions and institutions.
  4. Information and cybersecurity:
    • Seven people who harmed state security in the information sphere and engaged in anti-Ukrainian propaganda were identified.
  5. Economic crimes:
    • The SBU served suspicion notices to 24 people who violated the economic interests of the state.
  6. Illegal arms trafficking:
    • 7 people involved in arms and munitions trafficking were identified.

Activities carried out:

  • In total, 287 searches were conducted within the framework of the proceedings.

Автор: Олексій Савицький

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