
SBU detains pro-Russian agitators , including “underground” representative of Shariy ‘s party

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The SBU exposed three more pro-Kremlin agitators operating in different regions of Ukraine. The criminals publicly supported Russia’s armed aggression and called for the seizure of the entire territory of our country.

In Mykolaiv region:

The head of the underground cell of the Shariy party was detained. The offender tried to set up subversive activities of the pro-Kremlin “branch” in the frontline districts of the region.

To do this , he engaged five local residents, former members of the banned party , and created his own Telegram channel.

There, the defendants spread Russian propaganda fakes, which “whitewashed” the war crimes of the Nazis and justified the seizure of part of Ukraine’s territory.

Also, the administrator of the hostile Internetresource also called for evading mobilization in Ukraine and incited provocations against TCC employees.

In Zaporizhzhia:

A local resident, a representative of the Russian LDPR party , which supports the war against Ukraine, was detained.

On his Odnoklassniki page, he campaigned for the seizure of the regional center and the raising of the Russian flag on local government buildings.

In the Ternopil region:

A pro-Russian propagandist from Dniprowas exposed, who came to Ternopil region and distributed posts on Telegram channels by the former head of the banned Derzhava party, Dmytro Vasylets.

Currently, the detainees have been served a notice of suspicion (in accordance with the crimes committed ) under Parts. 2, 3 Art. 436-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (acquittal, recognition of legitimacy, denial of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine).

The criminal actions of the head of the underground cell of Shariy ‘ s party are additionally qualified under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

▪ ч. 2 Art. 109 (actions aimed at the violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order or the seizure of state power);

▪ ч. 1 Art. 114-2 (unauthorized dissemination of information on the deployment movement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations established in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, committed under martial law ).

The investigation is ongoing to bring to justice all persons involved in subversive activities in favor of Russia. The offenders face up to 8 years in prison with confiscation of property.

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