According to the words of Viktor Kurtiev, an entrepreneur and power engineer who is involved in the anti-crisis plan for ZNPP, the criminal army of the Russian Federation is already preparing conditions for a large-scale accident at the plant and blackmailing Ukraine and IAEA representatives.

What is known about the Russian army’s preparation of conditions for an accident at ZNPP

Kurtev notes that since July last year, he has been involved in the anti-crisis plan for Zaporizhzhia NPP and has had contacts with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, as well as attended events at various levels and participated in the development of security plans and response to all types of threats.

According to the information I have, the purification system for blowdown water of the steam generators of power unit No. 6, the SWO-5 unit (special water treatment), has recently completely failed. The probable reason is the negligence and unprofessional actions of the Russian “shift supervisor” of the chemical shop, who missed the moment of saturation of the SVO-5/2 filters. This resulted in the ingress of radioactive borated water into the turbine hall of Unit 6. The liquid got into the condensate-feed path and the boric acid solution present in it reacted chemically with the metal of the pipelines and the second circuit equipment, which is made of unalloyed steel grade St20. To remedy the situation, they are now trying to clean the second circuit coolant by water exchange. That is, radioactive boron water is diluted with chemically purified water. The mixture is poured into the drainage circulation waterway and cooling pond. This violates all sanitary standards and rules established for the operation of nuclear power plants, as radioactive coolant is released into the environment

заявляє Куртєв. 

What Russians are preparing for ZNPP

He emphasized that when Ukrainian employees of the plant asked why power unit No. 6 was not put into cold shutdown and power unit No. 4 into hot shutdown, Russian “experts” explained that it was “Moscow’s demand.”

This information is of great concern. Russia’s reaction in the form of inaction gives grounds to talk about creating the basis for blackmailing Ukraine and the world with a future nuclear disaster.Therefore, this confirms the idea that Rosatom decided to use power unit No. 6, where there is a leak from the first circuit to the second, to implement a chain scenario of violation of all safety barriers. This implies supercooling and damage to the reactor, as well as guillotine destruction of steam generator tubes, which will cause the maximum domino effect

emphasizes the power engineer.

He suggests that Russian war criminals and propagandists will try to achieve maximum information effect in order to deter the Ukrainian Armed Forces counteroffensive in the south by blackmailing the IAEA with the threat of a disaster at the ZNPP.

Despite blatant safety violations, including the loss of integrity of the first and second circuits and the release of radioactive media into the environment, gross violations of ZNPP radiation and nuclear safety continue. Process regulations and emergency instructions are not followed. Neither the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU), nor Energoatom, nor the IAEA are informed about the real state of affairs. The lack of reaction to such actions by the IAEA inspectors, who seem to be “fascinated” by the Russians and do not see or understand the scale of the violations, is surprising. Instead, they fish in the cooling pond (into which radioactive water is actually drained) in the company of Yuriy Chernichuk, a collaborator who was appointed “General Director of the Zaporizhzhia NPP” by the occupation authorities. That is, the IAEA inspectors are literally used as an information “smokescreen” to conceal violations and create an “alibi” for the Russians

emphasizes Kurtev.

Автор: Редактор

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